Boor (bo͝or) = A rude, ill-mannered person - പ്രാകൃതന് - I can't invite a boor like him to dinner!
Hag (hag) = A witch, esp. one in the form of an ugly old woman (often used as a term of disparagement for a woman) - വികൃതവൃദ്ധ, ദുര്മന്ത്രവാദിനി - A fat old hag in a dirty apron
Pensive (ˈpensiv) = Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought -ദുഃഖചിന്തിയിലാണ്ട - I was in a pensive mood at that time.
Slander (ˈslandər) = Make false and damaging statements about (someone) - അപവദിക്കുക, ദൂഷ്യംപറയുക - They were accused of slandering the head of state.